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  1.We enjoyed ourselves and the food () delicious.

  A is

  B be

  C are

  D was

  2.—Do you know how long the highway is?

  —Yes,it's ()kilometers.

  A two hundreds and forty five

  B two hundred and forty five

  C two hundred and forty-five

  D two hundred forty and five

  3.There is () in today's newspaper.

  A new anything

  B new something

  C anything new

  D something new

  4.---I don't like the green apples.

  ---How about the red ()?

  A one

  B ones

  C these

  D those

  5.I bought a lot of presents from that shop () things there were expensive.

  A though

  B but

  C and

  D so

  6.The idea is beginning to () in my mind.

  A have shape

  B take shape

  C make shape

  D give shape

  7.If it () tomorrow, we'll go out.

  A won't rain

  B doesn't rain

  C isn't rain

  D don't rain

  8.---Michael was late for Mr. Smith's oral class this morning.

  ---________? As far as I know he never came late to class.

  A How come

  B So what

  C Why not

  D What for

  9.Put on the hat. It will protect you_____the burning sun.

  A with

  B about

  C from

  D off

  10.—Presley, are you coming with us to the concert tonight?

  一I'd love to, but something unexpected____.

  A has come up

  B was coming up

  C had come up

  D would come up

  11.In fact, I think it's very much nicer without the naughty boy, if you don't mind me_____so.

  A say

  B to say

  C saying

  D to saying

  12.The man answered the phone in a loud voice at the meeting, ________made Andy annoyed.

  A that

  B what

  C who

  D which

  13.What's ________ with you?

  A matter

  B wrong

  C thing

  D the wrong

  14.The boy was very interested ________ English.

  A at

  B in

  C to

  D on

  15.Please ___ the new shoes here and ___ the old ones there.

  A bring; take

  B take; bring

  C bring; bring

  D take; take

  16.—Have you finished your work yet?

  —No, not yet. I think it'll take___ten minutes.

  A another

  B other

  C others

  D more

  17.—Hello, this is Sally speaking. May I speak to Mike?

  —___, please.

  A Right

  B Hold on

  C Sorry

  D Never mind

  18.With the bad weather, the passengers had to stay in the airport ____ further information about the taking-off time.

  A on

  B for

  C in

  19.Jay had a car accident ______ a rainy night.

  A in

  B on

  C at

  D by


上一篇:湖南高职单招英语考试试题八 下一篇:2025年湖南单招考试英语试题


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